Thursday, April 9, 2015

a new type of "concerned" Nazarene

I have recently seen many people using the word "concerned" across social media in speaking of the Church of the Nazarene. This, no doubt, has different connotation than the group known as "concerned Nazarenes" (not to be dealt with here).

 This "concern" is a response to a number of situations across the denomination, including NPH, MNU, and most recently, NNU. I have recently read many posts, comments, discussions, blogs, and open letters. One of my favorites regarding this "concern" can be found HERE, unless you already read it from the link on my Facebook.

What I like about this open letter is not that I necessarily agree with everything, but that, for the most part, he is not accusatory or pointing fingers.  There are no personal attacks.  He comes across stronger than I would, but there is a good point being made.

Admitting that we don't have all of the information, and people are for the most part ignorant of what really happened, a message is being heard.  It would be good to see some transparency.

Whether these people are actually being silenced or not doesn't matter to most, because the perception is that they are indeed being cut off. Whether or not the message is being sent, the message is being heard, "there is not much room in the Church of the Nazarene."

Regarding this situation, I have a few thoughts and questions.
1. Is this really as big of a deal as it seems right now? Or will it all blow over in a matter of time?  Are some people just jumping on the bandwagon because they like to "stick it to the institution?"

2. Is it possible that the lack of explanation from these institutions is actually a move of grace?  Could there be more to these stories than we know, and grace is actually being shown by not sharing the details?

3. Where are we headed as a denomination? Is the "big tent" that was present in our early years still present today -  Unity in essentials, in all else, harmony...?

4. I am, and will remain, faithful to the Church of the Nazarene.  That does not mean I will not ask the tough questions.  But I will not make unfounded criticisms or accusations.  There are definitely questions that need to be answered in the near future. There is definitely a need to strengthen our identity as the Church of the Nazarene.  I am not saying we have lost our way, just that there are many Nazarenes who don't know who we are anymore.

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